The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional
Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang
Beautiful Bible Verse:
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:3 (NIV)
God is refreshing your soul right now.
The burdens have been lifted.
God is making you fresh.
A Divine freshness has come to you.
Divine strength has come to you.
Listen inward to the guidance of The Holy Spirit.
Pay attention to the promptings of The Holy Spirit.
Respond in a timely and detailed way to the promptings and guidance of The Holy Spirit.
Be calm,
For in calmness you can easily observe and follow the guidance of The Holy Spirit.
Remember, The Lord is your shepherd,
And you are His sheep.
As His sheep, you are to follow the guidance of your shepherd.
The Holy Spirit knows the way,
Be at peace and follow His guidance,
For He will lead you in the right paths in all aspects of your life.
Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me in the right paths in all aspects of my life.
Thank you Holy Spirit for refreshing me.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
Amen and Amen thank you Jesus Christ